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Est-ce Ke C'est Possible D'ajouter Des Véhicules

Invité naduos

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Invité naduos

Tout est dans le titre, déja j'ai trouvé un mod qui permet de faire apparaitre des stretch, des pizza boy, des hotring, des limousine love fist, des patriotes... regulierement comme des vehicules normaux, mais est-ce que c'est possible de rajouter des véhicules ???

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autrement pour faire apparaitre dans la rue les caisses genre Deluxo et compagnie qui sont qu'a un endroit, faut remplacer "ignore" par "richfamly" ou "executive" ou "poorfamily", ... dans le default.ide

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le voilà ;) : réservé au expert nivo modification










19th May 2003








First things first:

This is based on the great work Strahd, and others, did for adding extra cars in GTA3! It was a wonderful discovery and gave many of us great pleasure.

This adaption is dedicated to Strahd - wherever he is.


Attached with this Readme are screenshots of all the relevant steps in the process.



Programs you will need:

IMG Tool v1.3

Vice City GXT Editor v1.0

a good Hex Editor like Hex Workshop


Get Hex Workshop here: or




Unlike GTA3 there are only 4 'free' ID numbers for adding extra cars. These are 248, 249, 107 & 108. One of these is already taken by the Wheel Mod so that leaves just three extra cars you can add. Though this is early days for Vice City Modding and perhaps someone else will discover you can actually add more - time will tell. The instructions are basically the same as Strahd's for GTA3 -


I gave the Wheel Mod the ID of 107 and added three cars using the above ID numbers. There were two Wheel Mods released. DMagic1's uses ID 249 and SniperKilla's uses ID 248. You can use whatever number you choose from the above four 'free' ID numbers.

But remember to change these lines in the default.ide file to whatever ID you decide to use. See either Wheel Mod Readme file for full instructions on adding the Wheel Mod:

In this example I chose 107.


# wheels: 250-257, 107

107, wheel_lightmod, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0


If you have yet to use any of the Wheel Mods, or don't intend to use either, then you can add 4 extra cars. But most of the good scratch cars have their own custom wheels - the choice is yours.


You can grab DMagic1's Wheel Mod here:


or here


And SniperKilla's here:








First thing you'll need to do is adjust the first line in your default.ide like so:


# peds: 0-106, 109-129 (special characters 99-106, 109)





Open you default.ide and choose an existing car with roughly the same dimensions as the one you are going to add. As a test I choose to add Rich's Ford Mustang. The Idaho is roughly the same size so I chose this. Copy the Idaho line in the default.ide


131, idaho, idaho, car, IDAHO, IDAHO, null, poorfamily, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.64


If you already use 249 as the wheel mod then you use 248, 107 or 108 as the Mustang ID.

As mentioned above I gave the wheel Mod the ID of 107.

As in Strahd's guide you need to keep the handling line of the car ID you are going to use. Change the Idaho line to this:


248, musta, musta, car, IDAHO, MUSTANG, null, poorfamily, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.64


If the car you are adding has it's own custom wheels then change the 256 to 249 - or whatever the Wheel Mod ID is that you decide to use, adjusting the tyre size to suit.

It's easier if the car ID you are adding has the same amount of letters as the car ID whose handling file you are going to use ie the Mustang becomes Musta which has five letters just like the Idaho. The car name which goes after the Idaho name in the ID line must be seven or less letters. Now add this line to the end of the default.ide after the Cheetah entry 236.


248, musta, musta, car, IDAHO, MUSTANG, null, poorfamily, 10, 7, 0, 107, 0.84


Note I have changed the original wheel type to the custom wheel ID 107 and adjusted the wheel size to suit the Mustang. Now save the default.ide file - remembering to make a back-up copy before changing anything.




Default.ide line





default.ide lines for all three





Next, open your carcols.dat file and add a new entry in alphabetical order for the Musta - ie it will come right after the Mule entry. Add some colors of your choice. I just made it all black by adding the following:


musta, 0,0


Save the file.


Here's an extract from the carcols.dat file after the new line was added:


mrwhoop, 1,16, 1,56, 1,17, 1,53, 1,5, 1,35

mule, 63,63, 67,67, 69,69, 91,91, 3,3, 7,7

musta, 0,0

oceanic, 51,1, 58,8, 60,1, 68,8, 2,1, 13,8, 22,1, 36,8

packer, 74,76, 93,77, 76,78, 15,76, 31,77, 43,78, 48,76





Now rename the dff & txd files for the Mustang to musta.dff & musta.txd - or whatever your car is going to be called. Add them to the Vice City GTA3.img file using the IMG Tool v1.3 and remember to rebuild the archive.







Open the Vice City GXT Editor. You will need to manually add the line where your gxt file is - like so


C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto Vice City/TEXT/american.gxt


The word MAIN should be highlighted in the Key tables (left hand side).

Go to the right hand pane - the KEYS section - and choose ADD.

Type MUSTANG into the pop-up box and press OK.

Click on the MUSTANG entry and add your GXT description text in the box below and click Apply.

This will be the description that will appear when you get in the car.

I added Strahd Rulez :o)







Open the Vehicles.col file in the Models/Coll folder with your Hex editor. Find the entry for the car handling line you are using - in this case IDAHO.

Highlight from the word C in COLL all the way to the last dot just before the next COLL entry (the Infernus). Select COPY (see the screenshots below).

You now have to insert what you just copied in alphabetical order of the car you are adding. In this case we are adding the MUSTA so find the entry nearest this alphabetically - in this case it's the MULE.

Click just after the last dot in the MULE entry so that your cursor is blinking right before the letter C in COLL for the Oceanic entry. Now choose Paste (see the screenshots below).

The Idaho data will be pasted in alphabetical order right after the last dot in the MULE entry.

Now all you have to do is type over the IDAHO letters in the data you just pasted with the new vehicles name – MUSTA (see the screenshots below)

Save file and exit. Hex Workshop gives you the option to make a back-up copy of the Vehicles.col file.


Now fire up Vice City and look for your car. Because we don't have a garage editor or an Admin Console we can't add the Musta to a garage so just drive around until you see - in this case - an all black Mustang. Highjack it and your GXT entry will appear.


Strahd Rulez


And there ya go :o)






Attached with this Readme are screenshots of all the relevant steps in the process.







19th May 2003







======================================== attention très chô a fair

Modifié par uxybo
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